Learn to Program in Java

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About this course

Ready to start your programming journey? Being a software engineer is much more than simply writing code—it requires a strong conceptual understanding of computer science. In this course, which was developed through a combination of academic and industry perspectives, learn not only how to code in Java but also how to break down problems and implement their solutions using some of the most fundamental computer science tools.

Get plenty of hands-on Java coding experience with methods, logic, loops, variables, parameters, returns, and recursion. And write your code using industry-standard tools and practices to help you build strong habits as you grow your development skill set.

Whether you are preparing for advanced university computer science courses, an entry-level software engineering position, or the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam, get the tools you need to succeed in this practical, self-paced Java course.

Please Note: Learners who successfully complete this course can earn a CloudSwyft digital certificate and skill badge - these are detailed, secure and blockchain authenticated credentials that profile the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired in this course.

What you'll learn

  • Basic Java commands and APIs using industry tools
  • Foundational data organization and manipulation
  • Code control structures, such as loops and if/else statements
  • How to structure code using methods, parameters, and returns
  • Prerequisites


    Course Syllabus

    Module 1 – Java Basics

    Module 2 – Control Structures

    Module 3 – Data Flow

    Module 4 – Capstone Project

    Meet the instructors

    Kasey Champion

    Kasey Champion

    Learning Team

    Kasey Champion is a software engineer turned teacher. She graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Electrical Engineering, but worked for the Computer Science Department as a Teaching Assistant for 3 years. After graduation she joined Microsoft as a software engineer, but spent her mornings volunteer teaching computer science at local high schools through the TEALS program. Recently she was lucky enough to make her passion her full time job and joined the Microsoft Learning team to develop computer science courseware.

    1. Course Number

    2. Classes Start

    3. Classes End

    4. Estimated Effort

      Total 24 to 40 hours